Planting the Seed

When you think about the lifecycle of a seed, there are ways that it is similar to a youth being supported by our programs. When you plant a seed, you have to put it in good soil, water it and give it light to grow. While it is open to interpretation, the following is an example of how this analogy can be applied to the youth in our programs. 

The Youth - The SEED

In some ways you can look at the youth as being the seed. As you plant a seed in soil, you could say that a youth gets planted in our programs. With unwavering support, youth are able to expand to their full potential. Like a real seed, they need the right resources to grow and flourish. 

Our programs - The soil

Seeds need strong roots, or foundations, in order to expand to their full potential. These roots must be supported by soil. Like soil, our programs provide youth with the foundational skills, attitudes, and resources they need to create a bright and self-sufficient future for themselves. Essentially, YEP and S2S provide these fundamental supports in order for youth to expand and access employment opportunities.

For example, YEP provides youth with support in career exploration, opportunity navigation, work preparation, and education resources. This can help to bring clarity to the youth and then they can see what they can strive for and achieve. 

Once fully rooted and open to these opportunities, even more resources and potential are unveiled to them. They can be seen as a bud breaking through the surface to find air, light, and water. 

Resources - Sun & Water 

Youth, like a budding plant, may need some resources to reinforce their growth. Whether it be helping to set up the youths’ bank account, getting them pieces of ID, or connecting them with employers for work placements, our programs assist them with the skills and resources needed in order to continue to grow and develop towards being employment ready. This can be interpreted as the sun and the water.

Real World Experience - Growth

For some, our programs are not the right fit, or they need more time to develop on their own. However, if youth are work ready, it may be time for youth to go out into the real world and get some experience. The soil, sun, and water are still there to support them, but they are not a seed anymore. If the youth have made it this far, they are a plant ready to blossom. To do so, they need to learn first hand how to navigate the world of employment. We provide youth with an assortment of opportunities; whether it be training, volunteering, or a work placement. The youth can flourish when they feel ready to sustain themselves through the weathers of the workforce.

Reaching Their Goals - The Sky 

The goals they set at the beginning of our program are now attainable. Before they know it, the sky's the limit. The plant can grow to its full potential and aim as high as it wants.

Alison Burrows